Try a Grounding Exercise

‘Grounding’, can be a fuzzy and nebulous word.

The goal of grounding is simply to stop our mental chatter, get out of our head, and pay attention to the world around us.  I hear you from here, “What do you mean get out of my head, that’s where I am”!? But the truth is there’s so much more information and experience available to you than only the thinking mind.  It takes some practice to be able to recognize it, but it’s worth the work. That’s where grounding comes in, it’s how we can practice noticing this other information. Over time you’ll learn how to pick up on this different type of awareness.

The Exercise: Make a Simple Meal

  1. The purpose of this exercise is not necessarily to end up with nourishing food in your belly, although that’s a nice benefit. Instead we’re trying to be present in the making and eating of the food.

  2. Choose a simple recipe that you love. Here are a few solid options if nothing comes to mind.

  3. Read the recipe in advance and be sure you have all the ingredients needed in the house. If not, make a trip to the store and grab what you need.

  4. Write down the ingredients (and correct amount of each ingredient) and cooking instructions onto a piece of paper before you get started. I want you to put your phone in another room for this exercise so you’re not distracted. Even if you’ve made this recipe a million times, write it down.

  5. When it’s time to make the recipe, start by taking 3 deep breaths, checking in with the sensations in your body, and feeling your feet on the floor.

  6. Look at the paper with the ingredients and directions and slowly and mindfully start getting everything from your pantry and fridge. Notice your feet moving along the floor as you walk, notice the cold as you open the fridge, smell the spice as you open the lid.

  7. Prepare all the ingredients before you start the cooking process.  Chop, dice, measure ingredients etc.

  8. Take your time with everything you’re doing. Notice what it feels like to not have to rush. When you’re rinsing produce for example, take time to feel the water flowing around your hands along with its warmth or coolness.

  9. Cook your meal mindfully. Think about how it’s going to nourish your body, mind, and soul.

  10. Once complete, plate your meal and take a seat wherever you eat. 

  11. Keep all distractions to a minimum.  No Cell phones, no TV, no reading, no music. 

  12. Begin eating, paying careful attention to each bite that enters your mouth.  Notice the flavors, textures, and temperatures.

  13. About half way through your meal, set down your fork and tune into your body. I call this the ‘mindful minute’, and it’s an opportunity to see how the food is making you feel.

  14. Continue eating your meal until you're done. Before getting up take a moment of gratitude for the food you got to eat in peace.

  15. Clean up and notice how it went!


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