Control to Surrender

Maggie is the Co-Founder of IWR. Here’s her story:

I found substances at a very young age and for many years they were my only solution to filling the hole in my soul. Upon finding recovery in 2017, I knew that there was so much work to be done, and that putting down substances was simply the first step. What I needed to do was create a balanced life that nurtured wellness; mind, body, and soul. Early on in recovery I was still very rigid in my thinking, therefore my wellness tools were also quite intense, controlled, and structured. This worked really well for me for a number of years, until 2023 when my body began giving me signals that a massive shift was needed. The intensity of how I worked, ate, exercised, and even grew spiritually, was actually not helping me any longer, it was hurting me. So, I decided to ditch the high intensity way of approaching life and opted to slow down. I opted for more gentle movement as a means to exercise, I prioritize rest (not just sleep but rest which is a totally different topic for another day!), I allow myself to eat what feels right, and I began to learn more about various spiritual practices in order to refresh my own.  My point in sharing this is that as we grow, what we need to be well might need to shift a bit, and that's totally okay! It has been so freeing to begin to embrace and "flow" with life vs fight and control it.


Striving to Softness


Finding a Higher Power in Recovery