Start with You

“Modern men don’t see God because they don’t look low enough”.

-Carl Jung

Humility is a word without much reverence in Western culture. We’re supposed to have big dreams and change the future of humanity. But bettering humanity starts with improving our own lives. 

We have to start by taking an honest inventory of our current situation and recognizing what we can actually impact right now. That requires a huge dose of humility.

So how can we get started doing some good in the world?

  1. Start small. Do you have a stack of papers on your desk you’ve been meaning to organize for months? Maybe a hard conversation you’ve been avoiding?

  2. Start with yourself.  What’s something in your life you know needs to be fixed? Don’t worry about changing society or a member of your family quite yet.

  3. Keep it rolling. What’s the next smallest thing you can do?

Before too long everything around you will change. 

We’re quick to offer our plans to fix our country, or even the world. But what makes us think we can address that problem if we haven’t even taken a hard look at ourselves?




From Fitness to Faith